Saturday, 6 July 2013

Easy Tips to Set Up a Server Rack for Your Start-Up

Setting up a server rack can take up a lot of your time and money. But when you have a start-up, you need to save as much capital as you can. So, the only solution is to follow some quick, money-saving tips. Let us take a look at them:
  • Pick the perfect room: The very first thing required to set up a server is a clean, centrally located room.  Check the room for signs of moisture, damp and other such signs thoroughly else, it might have perilous effect on the machines. Also, if room is centrally located, it will be easily accessed by the IT staff.
  • Stick to one brand: When you go shopping for switches, sockets and routers, stick to the same brand. This has two advantages. First of all, buying in bulk will fetch you additional discount on the products. Secondly, it will make maintenance and troubleshooting much easier, when you require it in the near future.
  • Place an air conditioning system: Temperature control is another important aspect in the server room. In fact, it needs to stay at a certain temperature range for the equipments to run efficiently. Hence, invest in a good AC and install it in the room. You can also invest in a server rack environment monitoring system to make your task easier.

  • Try to set up a DIY server rack: Buying brand new data centre server racks and paying professionals to set it up can burn a hole in your pocket. Hence, invest in good quality computer server rack and go online to see tutorials to set it up yourself. This will save you a significant amount of money.
So, these are some of the tips to follow when you need to set up a server rack for your start-up. I am sure you will find them immensely useful when you try them out practically. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I am opening a small business so I am installing a centralized computer system. I have been trying to find a high quality Server Rack for our new system. I have a couple options i mind however, I plan on doing a little more research before I commit to one in particular.
